Monday, December 6, 2010

another point coming up durring ITD course

holy fuck.

I missed like, the BIGGEST point in my introductory and insufficient run through of the desteni material:

this point of

“Your mind is thoughts, feelings, emotions. You are not your mind. If you experience yourself as thoughts, feelings, emotions- you are the manifestation of dishonesty.”


holy fuck. I never went into that point in myself to really investigate it- I hit the blocks running as if my process was some kind of competition for aggrandizement- and from that starting point- believed that if I was thinking, or that if I reacted to my thoughts or my experiences with emotion- that I had failed. I would react emotionally to my thoughts and emotions, and then resist that, and try to ‘get away’ from it by ignoring it- which was deliberate deception.

thats like, total fuckin supression!

and deliberate... dishonesty

why god, why oh why, god, did I not apply the tools practically and effectively??

why did I hide??

why did I refuse to consider points unless they were in my self-interest??

forgive me, mother jesus!