This started with abuse in my family - me developing a fear of 'being abused/ screamed at' this fear develops into a self-defense mechanism as a personality that stands as an "automated response system" that is "specifically designed" to be able to "deal with" or that is to say "to parry" the abuse that it has become obsessed with preventing. So the personality of the son (me) becomes designed by me in the image and likeness of my father
in school I was doomed from the start as far as social-relationships were concerned, because this fear of being "abused" was overwhelming, like an obsession, or a paranoia, I was constantly "seeing" situations where "I could potentially be abused" and then "handling it" by "bringing this 'abuse' out into the open" thru my behaviors. I would ACT like I was already being abused, and act like I was already 'proving to everyone' that "I was too strong" to succumb to such abuse.
-so I was never "on the same page" as most of the other kids, and this singled me out as 'a weaker member of the herd', so I was predisposed to be abused by others who had issues simmilar to mine. And when this happened, I interpereted the abuse as a manifestation of all of the compounded and supressed fears. I literally internalized any abuse directed towards me as something far 'worse' than what it actually was. I had actually BECOME the expression of this abuse and was directing it at me thru the medium of other children. Experiencing myself as absolutelty shameful and helpless.
So in addition I came to hate and despise myself for 'being so weak', and lived out this abuse towards myself. Constantly this relationship: from "all angles" I was beinng secretly psycologically tormented, humiliated and tortured: from 'the other kids', from my father, and from myself. -- All of it, however, was only a relationship I had developed with me. Nothing more and nothing less. How can it be possible that this exits as anything BUT "my relationship with me"? Did my father 'get into my head' and deliberatley PUT these thoughts there? No. I allowed them, I participated with them, I became them. Modeled after him, yes, but it was only ever an illusion that I was "helpless", because in reality I created these experiences.
So how does this then develop into eating disorder?
*(I notice in the paragraph above- how I throw my father into the list of influences, but in my later explanations below, do not really touch on him so much as I do my school personality. This is... telling. I was always ashamed of my family life- when other kids would seek pity and attention from brining up their family problems, I would be ashamed to think of myself doing the same-- apparently my 'school-life' had become an 'outside-cover version of personality-design, in order to 'hide and protect' the sensitivity I had towards 'who I was in the family' - which was, weak, abused, helpless.)
At age 13 I believed that all the abuse was scourced from my "social-life" - bringing up on my memories now, I see what an... absurd statement that this was. Of course it was ME abusing ME- of course. of course. Obviously... -but I really acted like I completely believed that if I could just be accepted by other people, that then "everything would be okay". Then.
By this age I had been conditioned to see (without really being aware of it) 'being in a social-position where sex was possible' as 'what it meant' to 'be accepted by other people'. So without ever really 'having a choice', I, like everyone else, was seeking a "socialized personality act" that would position me in a 'place' where i would have 'connections' that made sex possible.
(& do not fall into association with 'sel-victimization' here. -Notice that I was WILLING to abuse myself like this in my mind: I was the abuser. I was not 'innocent' from that perspective--- Like, for example: in my mind, "to be accepted" also meant that I was willing to 'crush' kids who were like me but 'weaker' in some way, in order to establish THEM as the "unaccepted" in order to 'make the statement' in the minds of the other kids that I belonged to the "superior" class. This could be rephrased: What I was Willing to myself I was also willing to do to others, for the same reasons.)
There was "an option" I saw available to me where I believed that "because I was so inept and inadequate, that it would thusly require 'extreme, intensive, "hard work" to 'right' myself." -- so "an extreme workout routine" to "make my body special", so that I would be an upgraded product on the sex market- made perfect sense to me and I entered into this at full speed.
Before long I was working out for at least an hour every day and my friends, family, and social-life responded to this by submitting to my 'authority', me representing some kind of 'sex demi-god'. This was the "power" and "control" that I had wanted, but fortunatlely for me I was already too possessed by my fear of being abused for this "positive affirmation" to have any effect. -the muscles and the attention from girls, my mother and friends did not do much to change my idea of myself- I did not believe them when they told me (apparently) that "now I really was special" (*but oh... did I try to. thank god reality never let me out of its cold, painful grasp or I would have been fucking trapped in that dream forever.)
the attention actually just made the fear worse, because, "now I had more to loose"- for example: What is 'a bigger deal' -- a homeless man being caught with crack or the president being caught with crack? -- thats kind of how it works. "Now that they like me MORE, it means that they will react MORE if they ever 'find out' who I really am as "weakness and shame" - so the abuse will be MORE. =ends up as even more fear, more social awkwardness, more 'not able to fit in', more 'being an easy target for bullies'.
(notice in the last two paragraphs that I continue to refer to the situation as if the "fear, shame and weakness" was the "real truth" of me- thank god I 'knew this', because in this context it is 'the most-real part' -- because the "strength and phoney confidence" was all created as a reaction to the fear, shame and 'weakness'; so these negative- emotions are like always "the primary point". and the positive+ emotions are the reactions that are 'piled on top of' the negative ones, and actually cannot exist without the negative-. the + just 'doesn't want to admit the negative exists'. The + is denial. Do not, never, never trust the positive.)
this fear of being abused and this inability to participate socially eventually resulted in my actual, complete inability to even pretend anymore. My 'friends' thought I was retarted or something- and because I had stood as the symbol for this 'sex demi-god', which they defined themselves as inferior to, which was a symbol of 'their oppression' - they were predisposed to find emotional gratification from "tearing me down / Tearing me apart" - and they did. this destroyed me as a human in this social-world, I would spend long periods of time hiding in my house with the doors locked and blinds drawn, hiding in the closet, hiding under my bed-sheets- I cut a slit in the blinds so I could secretly check to see if my 'friends' were going to show. This was what I was. I would sometimes seriously sit down and try to consider myself "insane"- from the perspective that "I really had no control over this" and therefore "was allowed to 'be like this' without fear of being abused by others for it because- I 'was retarded'. I wished for my family to consider me autistic or something, so that I 'could be given permission' to 'exist outside the system'.
so- after this my memories of my life go into a mad blurr. I have these 3 years (fortunately for me) written down in composition books, like a diary.
Durring this time, without friends, I remember going thru a period of audio-hallucinations, where I would hallucinate that my family was making fun of me, and then would be too afraid to explain to them what was happening, for fear that they might really actually be making fun of me and taking advantage of me to entertain themselves.
Instead of stopping my madnes, I continued working out much and continuing to focus my attentions on my body and appearence. It became absurd, seeing as how I actually had no social life and had not intention to seek one, so what gain was there for me to continue this regime, if really, as I believed, it was "about other people"... it was still me participating in self-abuse and secret self-judgment in my mind and hoping and wishing for an escape thru other people "accepting me" and "taking complete care of me" in that "i would be able to control them completely so that i could never have to experience these 'horrible' emotions again". *(Just more of the same, with me not wanting to be honest about or face the truth of myself.)
So the self-abuse continues and I begin to disassociate from "what i appear like to others" - "being able to be accepted by others" -- this was necessary because there was "no hope" with 'others', and since I refused to actually stop myself, I had to find "a new scource of potential hope" to be able to "control" and thusly "escape from" 'this problem'.
'this problem' that by this point was no longer identified as fear and shame, but was now only able to be seen as anger. I was just angry that no-one had ever accepted me. I had fallen down so many hills that I had forgotten why I even started the hike. I was like a demon possessed, wandering the world aimlessly, only ever being aware that I was existing only as this anger that "no one had ever accepted me". This anger, as blame- blame, believing that I really had never any power to stop this, and that I was completely helpless. And within this blame, sadness and self-pity that I had been so abused by "them". Hiding myself within this blame, sadness, and self-pity- believing that as long as I could invent the existance of "an outside oppressor", that I could still exist in "hope", and mental-masturbation, that I somehow "deserved" to "be accepted" and "had a chance"- so that I could avoid seeing that I am the one who abuses me and I am the one who does not accept me. --this is The Only Way that the experience of "being unaccepted" can exist: is when I am actually not accepting myself. *(this period of total "lostness"- where I remember almost nothing off-hand, in early 2007 and again in early 2009- seems to coincide with the time I spent living at my father's house, 'alone', with no social-school-camp forcing me and driving me into the deepest most frozen pits of my hell where I could see my reflection in the ice. Instead I chose to hide from this reflection in the burning-torments of middle-hell. Where there is no way out for anyone who is too afraid to leave and face the deeper depths of their mind.)
Okay, so as I was isolated without social relationships around to charge my mind, I turned my attentions and HOPE towards being able to become "the perfect man", by creating a "system of ideals" that I would "live up to". These 'ideals' being primarily "being special" and "being beautiful". -by having my own set of "social rules", I felt like I would then be able to ascend into "acceptable-ness" even if others would not accept me.
so my body-building muscle-crap grew to absorb diet as well. Protien supplements at first, then vitamins, omega3's, flax-seed, herbal supplements- (all the way to 'supernatural' stuff like amulets and crystals.) ect. ect. Wanting to be immortal, this twisted idea of having "the perfect body inside and out".
but also, since early childhood, food was a 'stability-point' for me in this world, where within a chaotic, emotional, un-trust-worthy family-life, I 'could always rely on food'. It was like 'the only stability' that I had. So I had always, without any judgment, eaten food as an 'emotional stabilizer'. -this suddenly clashed with my ever-growing obsession with 'being perfect'
-out of time i will continue